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May 25, 2005

NBC News advanced unsubstantiated claims of liberal bias in public broadcasting

In a May 25 NBC Nightly News report, correspondent Campbell Brown reported claims of liberal bias in public broadcasting by Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, the Republican chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and Cliff Kincaid, an editor at the conservative watchdog group Accuracy in Media (AIM), but the report provided no evidence to support these allegations and offered no assessment about whether they are credible.

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Accuracy in Media, Inc.


July 1, 2001

Reed Irvine forced to apologize for vicious lie against Philadelphia Inquirer war correspondent

Irvine, of Accuracy in Media, falsely accused the reporter of having fabricated a story on a Serb-conducted massacre in Kosovo

In an action that pretty much screams "out-of-court settlement to avoid getting sued for libel," Accuracy in Media's Reed Irvine spent a good chunk of his June 27 column apologizing for AIM's trashing of a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Apparently, the apology's appearance in Irvine's regular column was part of the deal as well, since it also appears on NewsMax.

This is no mere "we regret the error" stuff (though Irvine does say exactly that at one point). It was a decidedly vicious attack. How vicious? Here, in Irvine's words, is what AIM is apologizing for:

Accuracy in Media retracts all of its assertions challenging the authenticity and credibility of Jeffrey Fleishman's reporting in the Philadelphia Inquirer about fighting at Racak on January 17, 1999. Fleishman was in Racak. He reported the fighting at the time, as did other reporters. Our description of his reporting as "pure fiction" and "imaginative writing" was unfounded, and we should not have compared him to Janet Cooke. It was unfair of AIM to publish assertions about Jeffrey Fleishman's reporting without first making an attempt to contact him.

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Raw Story
October 12, 2006

Accuracy in Media alleges gay GOP is really network of undercover liberals

Conservative media watchdog Accuracy in Media is alleging that the Foley scandal is not the work of a gay Republican, but rather of a Democratic operative posing as a Republican to undermine the party.

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Terry Krepel
September 25, 2006

AIM's Game of Semantics

AIM's Cliff Kincaid claims that the CIA is not operating secret prisons, even though they were secret and people were imprisoned.

When you hear Accuracy in Media claim that its attacks on stories about the CIA's secret prisons are not a question of semantics, it's a question of semantics.

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Tim Karr
January 24, 2006

Fox News Drifting Left?

Arch-conservative watchdog Cliff Kincaid worries that Fox News Channel has turned coat and is now a propaganda front for "extreme" liberal views -- like the harebrained notion that global warming is real.

“Perhaps the most egregious example was the global warming program on Fox featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a ‘special correspondent,’” crows Kincaid, whose Accuracy in Media (AIM) is a thinly veiled right-wing effort to present empirical evidence of a vast liberal-media conspiracy.

...The left-right banter that dominates much of our media’s political discourse is all a matter of perspective, someone once said, balance all rests on where you place the fulcrum. AIM places that fulcrum so far to the right that nearly every utterance in the mainstream media is, to them, on par with Chairman Mao’s little red book.

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