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17,132,643 to the Hudson Institute, Inc.

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Original MT Report At 60, United Nations is still taking fire
Original MT Report Don't look to Wisconsin as model for welfare reform - Hudson designed and evaluated W-2
Original MT Report Hudson Institute: Home of the indicted and the exposed
Original MT Report Wisconsin Fails

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Hudson Institute website


EIN: 13-1945157

Hudson Institute, Inc.

Washington, DC 20005

[From Buying a Movement, People for the American Way]

The Hudson Institute, based in Indiana, received large grants [in the NCRP 1997 study that covered grants over a three year period] from two prominent foundations: from the Olin Foundation, $125,000 in 1993 and $300,000 in 1994; from the Bradley Foundation, $600,000 in 1994. The Institute is a hard-right activist think tank that advocates the abolition of government-backed Social Security and an end to corporate income taxes.

[From The Feeding Trough]

Also the author of W-2, Wisconsin's national welfare reform model. According to the March 2, 1997 edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Hudson Institute is "a private group that helped design" Wisconsin's welfare reform program, "Wisconsin Works," or "W-2."

March 1, 2006

President of Prominent Conservative Think-Tank Urges Military Strike on Iran

Herbert London, the president of the conservative Hudson Institute, has published a commentary urging the Bush administration to use “an American military strike to knock out Iran’s uranium processing capacity”...

Unfortunately for people like London, who are always thinking up new ways for U.S. soldiers to be sent into harm’s way, there is wide agreement among U.S. military analysts and Iran experts that no good military options exist for Iran...

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September 29, 2004

MSNBC yanks GOP "pollster" Frank Luntz

Upon hearing that MSNBC planned for Republican pollster Frank Luntz (Hudson Institute adjunct fellow) to conduct on-air focus groups as part of the cable network's debate coverage tonight, David Brock of the media watchdog group Media Matters sent MSNBC executive Rick Kaplan a letter of complaint. It looks like Kaplan listened.

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January 12, 2006

SHNS Drops Fumento in Latest Payola Pundit Scandal

Scripps Howard News Service (SHNS) announced Friday that it severed its relationship with Michael Fumento -- a senior fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute -- for taking payments in 1999 from agribusiness giant Monsanto. The payola was revealed by BusinessWeek Online, which also broke the story that columnist Doug Bandow had accepted bribes from Jack Abramoff. Copley News Service subsequently dropped Bandow.

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