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Washington Post
July 24, 2001

Campus Romance, Unrequited Dating Scene Fails Women, Study Says

A conservative women's group will issue a report today contending that while most college women embrace marriage as a life goal, their pursuit of that objective is undermined by the prevalence of relationships on college campuses that feature sex without commitment.

The college dating scene leaves many women with two choices when it comes to men: launch intense but vague relationships, or "hook up" for casual physical encounters, according to the report conducted for the Independent Women's Forum, which has gained attention in recent years with its critique of contemporary feminism.

"The social scene on college campuses does not support the aspirations for long-term relationships and marriage that these women say they have," said Elizabeth Marquardt, co-author of the report and an affiliate scholar at the Institute for American Values. "Women say they wish there was something in the middle. . . . They wish they could really get to know a guy without necessarily having a sexual relationship."

The New York-based Institute, a non-profit group that promotes the importance of family and fatherhood, conducted the report for the women's forum by surveying 1,000 women enrolled at secular four-year colleges. The report's authors said the telephone survey was aimed at filling a void in the national debate about marriage.

Read the full report >

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