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RECIPIENT PROFILEPacific Research Institute for Public PolicySan Francisco, CA 94111 A conservative think tank that challenges environmental regulations, and was former Governor Pete Wilson's favored source of information regarding privatization and water rights. Tim Lambert When Think Tanks AttackThink tanks vs Open SourceThe Alexis de Tocqueville Institute’s attack on Linux is just the latest in a series of attacks on Open Source by think tanks: Sonia Arrison of PRI: Is the Penguin Contaminated? After all, in scanning the online petition, one can’t help but be struck by the many comments such as “get your hands of my linux you damn, dirty, corpo-apes!!” and worse. These words suggest we can expect defiance, not cooperation, on serious issues like intellectual property from the open-source community, at least in the near future. Also see:CSE, Aug 27, 2003, Wayne T. Brough: New Protectionism: Mandates for Open Source Software Conservative Philanthropy supported institutions involved in the attack on Open Source* Competitive Enterprise Institute Printer friendly
OTHER LINKSPRI at SourceWatch.orgBrad Friedman Pacific Research Institute Carries Fresh Water for the Electronic Voting Machine IndustryWho is PRI? Are They the Latest Incarnation of the ACVR? And Just Who Do They Think They're Messing with by Attacking the Pro-Democracy Movement with Easily Discredited Info-ganda? It looks like the Rightwing may have found a replacement for the American Center for Voting Rights (ACVR), the GOP front group set up to smokescreen against true election reform and transparent democracy...now, a West Coast "non-partisan" conservative think-tank called Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRI) may be stepping in to fill at least part of the void in the person of TechNews World columnist and PRI Director of Technology Studies, Sonia Arrison. Arrison has been op/ed'ing and releasing "white papers" lately rallying against voter-verified paper ballots for electronic voting machines. Her reasons for being against transparent democracy are both bizarre and seem freshly pulled out of her hind quarters (or out of those of Diebold's). Vicky Perry Think Tank writer pushes for the vendor's perspectiveA conservative ultra-free market think tank (PRI) is pushing its agenda that paperless voting is the way to go. Find out who these writers are and where their money comes from. |