EIN: 52-1162185
Washington, DC 20005
The Ethics and Public Policy Center is one of several [organizations] devoted to improving public appreciation of the role of business in what it terms a "moral society." It was founded by Ernest Lefever, who expressed his concern that "U.S. domestic and multinational firms find themselves increasingly under siege at home and abroad. They are accused of producing shoddy and unsafe products, fouling the environment, robbing future generations, wielding enormous power, repressing peoples in the third world, and generally of being insensitive to human needs. We as a small an ethnically oriented center are in a position to respond more directly to ideological critics who insist the corporation is fundamentally unjust."
Founded by Ernest Lefever, it's mission is to "reinforce the Judeo-Christian moral tradition in public debate over domestic and foreign policy." Over 60 percent of its 1993 income came from the "four sisters" (the Olin, Bradley, Smith Richardson and Sarah Scaife foundations.)
May 20, 2017
Bill Berkowitz
Media Transparency
January 10, 2007
If you thought that his resounding defeat at the polls this past November would send former Senator Rick Santorum scurrying back home to Pennsylvania, think again. Santorum has decided he'll be staying in the nation's capital to head up a new program called "America's Enemies," which will be located at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC - website), a Washington-based think tank formerly headed by Neocon hawk Elliott Abrams.
The American Street
May 2, 2004
[wherein NPR "reporter" Barbara Bradley Hagerty does a hit piece on John Kerry portraying him as a bad Catholic by quoting "regular" Christians who just happen to be right-wing conservative philanthropy supported partisans.]
"... proof that three of the four "random" Catholics she interviewed leaving mass were actually spokespeople for the religous right [ from American Enterprise Institute, and the perversely named "Ethics and Public Policy Center"]."
Mary McGrory
Washington Post
July 7, 2001
Members of Congress remember [Elliott] Abrams's snarling appearances at committee hearings, defending death squads and dictators, denying massacres, lying about illegal U.S. activities in support of the Nicaraguan contras. Abrams sneered at his critics for their blindness and naivete, or called them "vipers."
David Corn
The Nation
July 1, 2001
Elliott Abrams, "as nasty a policy warrior as Washington had seen in decades," who was convicted of lying to Congress about the Iran-Contra affair - and then pardoned by Bush I - is being installed by Bush II in the National Security Council staff as a senior director for democracy, human rights and international operations.
Which is really funny since in his previous incarnation his "specialty was massacre denial." Reflecting on Abrams' credibility, former Republican Senator David Durenburger complained, "I wouldn't trust Elliott any futher than I could throw Ollie North." While spewing his lies defending the murderous Contras in Nicaragua and the Death Squads in El Salvador, Abrams nonetheless called his political foes "vipers" and said that those lawmakers who opposed the illegal Reagan Central American wars would "have blood on their hands." If Abrams eventually gets the job, he will leave his position as president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, essentially moving from the privately-sponsored government-in-waiting to the real government.
(What an unrepentant criminal liar is doing as the president of an institution that has the word "Ethics" in its name is another matter entirely.)