Chicago, IL 60633
The University of Chicago is well-known as the home institution of Milton Friedman and the "Chicago School of Economics," which espouses radical adherence to free market principles.
The University also serves (or has served) as the home of other prominent conservative scholars and law faculty, including: Allan Bloom, whose The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students helped to popularize conservatives' sophisticated and coordinated attacks on "liberal" higher education; Richard Posner, whose Economic Analysis of Law became the "bible" of the heavily funded law and economics movement; and Richard Epstein, whose books include Forbidden Grounds: The Case Against Employment Discrimination Laws, which argues that anti-discrimination statutes represent an unconstitutional infringement on private property rights and freedom of contract, and Takings, Private Property, and the Power of Eminent Domain, which provided much of the rationale for right-wing challenges to environmental protection laws.
Chris Adams
American Journalism Review
December 20, 2006
Interested in joining the liberal media elite?
Just publish a newspaper that writes about "family values," the "Republican Party" and "Vice President Cheney." It doesn't matter what you write on those subjects--mere mention is enough.
That's the gist of a recent study by two University of Chicago economists. Lauded in a New York Times column, it's also been cited on National Public Radio and is picking up steam in the blogosphere. All of the attention is coming even before the study has been published in an economics journal.
Gustavo Gorriti
Washington Post
December 8, 2006
...Not even the most radical free market advocates in Latin America would openly defend now Mr. Pinochet's development formula [in Chile] of Chicago school economics and death-squads.