Media Transparency

EIN: 52-1526916

FreedomWorks Foundation

Washington, DC 20004

Created in 2004 with the merger of Empower America and Citizens for a Sound Economy.

Read the MT story on the merger here.


Pam Spaulding
September 28, 2006

Another conservative turns on the bible beaters

Dick Armey turns on Dobson

There’s no way that you can consider former U.S. Dick Armey (R-TX) a friend of the homos (he voted yes on banning gay adoptions in DC, for example), but he’s clearly had enough of the fundies. Even though he plays more on the fiscal conservative side of the fence, the AmTaliban thought he was in their pocket.

Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post
July 22, 2006

With Insurance Policy Comes Membership

Unbeknown to Some, Those Signing Up With Firm Are Joining Conservative Group [FreedomWorks] obscure arrangement between a prominent Republican businessman, J. Patrick Rooney, and a free-market interest group []has netted the grass-roots organization hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of new members. Citizens for a Sound Economy -- now called FreedomWorks and headed by former House majority leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.) -- has netted more than $638,000 and about 16,000 members through the sale of insurance policies.

Deirdre Shesgreen
St Louis Post
March 4, 2005

Nonprofit group skirts lobbying laws, critics charge

[MT Editor's note: Dick Armey, head of FreedomWorks, shills for a company, which then contributes to FreedomWorks]

"...critics say appears that the group was a 'mouthpiece' for hire, an assertion sharply disputed by FreedomWorks..."
