Whore of the Week
Congratulations MWO Whore of the Week: Brent Bozell
Name: Tom Boggioni
Whore: L. Brent Bozell III
Now that the rightwing has unleashed the "attack journalists" on David Brocks Blinded By The Right, it shouldn't be too surprising that 'Media Watchdog" L. Brent Bozell has weighed in.
http://www.mediaresearch.org/columns/newscol/2002/col20020322.htmlTo quote from the end of Mr. Bozell's poison-pen review:
"But Brock and the networks' Clinton rewrite specialists can't put the toothpaste back into the tube. The Clinton presidency can't be compared to a bad season of "Dallas," where the angelic Bill Clinton pops out of the shower and we all realize it was all just a bad dream. Clinton earned his bad reputation, and Brock has cemented his with this sloppy, bitter, vengeful little book."
Now, anyone who has read Mr. Brock's book knows that his main targets are the right wing foundations (the VRWC) that supported the assault on Bill & Hillary Clinton specifically, and democracy in general. Among the major players were the Olin Foundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation (with alcoholic billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife at the helm). Not once in his review, does Mr. Bozell address or mention his own connection to these same foundations that help keep his Media Research Center afloat.
For the record, between 1990 and 2000, Mr. Bozell received $445,000 from the Olin Foundation and $550,000 form the Sarah Scaife foundation. Addition money came in from the Carthage Foundation, also controlled by Scaife, the Castle Rock Foundation controlled by the Coors, and the Bradley Foundation, which is a major contributor to the Heritage Foundation (who also come under attack in Blinded by the Right).See also: www.mediatransparency.org
I'm sure it was an oversight by Mr. Bozell not to disclose these facts, or maybe he was just being "sloppy and vengeful". Either way, you would expect that Mr. Bozell would remember who pays the bills so he doesn't have to get a real job.
Mr. Bozell just needs to remember that, when he finds money on the dresser in the morning, it is usually for services rendered the night before. Looks like they got their money's worth from him, in this case.