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Rob Levine
August 8, 2000
Policy BlueprintState GOP Platform Focus on:"Conservative and Free market principles""Freedom from oppressive taxes, spending and regulation" Taxes:"Proposes a one-rate income tax, at a rate Lower than the current lowest rate" "Support an economic agenda that reduces taxes and ... supports abolishing the current IRS tax code and replacing it with a fairer, simpler tax system. Property taxes: "Move to classless property tax system" "Reforming and simplifying our complex property tax system" Size of government: "Government's reach must be limited and the level of taxation should be reduced dramatically" "... that government governs best which governs least...the power of taxation should be exercised sparingly...Spending by government should be limited." More taxes: "Minnesota's tax and spend system has a lost accountability" "Taxes and spending in Minnesota are out of control" Prisons: "Build adequate prison space" "We believe in prisons" Vouchers: "Give parents greater choice ... whether tt is a public, private, or parochial institution ... [extend] tax credits to the vast middle class ... give voters the option of turning all public schools into charter schools" "Tax credits, vouchers and charter schools allow parents to choose the best education for their children" Profile of Learning: "The Profile of Learning [is preoccupied] with process over content ... only those School districts that voluntarily chose to observe the requirements of the Profile of Learning should be obliged to do so ...The law now mandates implementation of this problematic program" "... the Profile of Learning ... is fatally flawed ... [it] stresses 'project learning' over a traditional knowledge-based curriculum" Family values: "State policies and programs should be based on time-tested family and social Values" "We oppose efforts to 'redefine' the family. We recognize the institution of Marriage as a union only between one man and one Woman"