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Milwaukee Journal - Sentinel
June 10, 2005
Alan J. Borsuk and Sarah Carr

15 Years in, Milwaukee's Voucher experiment lacks accountability, excels in religious education

The amount of taxpayer money going to pay for religious education in Milwaukee has no parallel in the last century of American life. About 70% of the students in the program attend religious schools.

... If any single factor distinguishes the families and parents at the choice schools from those in [public schools], it is religion. Students in the choice program pray together in class. They read the Bible, the Qur'an or the Torah. They attend Mass.

Based on firsthand least 10 of the 106 schools... appeared to lack the ability, resources, knowledge or will to offer children even a mediocre education...Nine other schools would not allow reporters to observe their work...

[Editor's note: that means that almost 17 percent of voucher schools- NOT including those that have already gone out of business - are complete failures in Milwaukee!!]

Also see:

Public School Privatization and commercialization

John Witte: The Milwaukee Voucher Experiment: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Kevin Drum comments on lack of accountability for voucher schools

Earlier: Real Goal of School Choice Movement is the breakup of teacher unions

Part II: A question of accountability: It's tougher to assess the quality of a voucher school than an open one


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