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Grants – search grants based on their stated purpose
Recipients – search all grants to a particular recipient
Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds
Website – search the website for specific text
Advanced search – specifiy multiple criteria
All-in-one search – search the website and the database at the same time for specific text



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People For the American Way
August 6, 2006
Kevin Franck

Cutting Through Right-Wing Spin on Public Education

When the Going Gets Tough, Privatization Proponents Get Paul Peterson

...A senior research fellow at the Milton and Rose Friedman Foundation, an organization that advocates publicly funded vouchers, implied that anyone who believes public schools perform better than private schools might be on drugs. Right-wing education scholar Chester Finn claimed that coverage of the study said more about the media than the state of public education...

Paul Peterson -- a media savvy political science professor at Harvard -- released a report claiming that the study got it wrong. He took the study data and then applied his own statistical formula to it, effectively negating the researchers' sophisticated adjustments for demographic differences. After waving his statistical wand over the data he went on the offensive, arguing that the study actually proves that private schools perform better than public schools.

Also see:

Paul Peterson

Paul Peterson: Three strikes and you’re out.


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