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Bruno V. Manno

Manno, who along with is longtime collaborate Chester Finn, was an Assistant Secretary of Education in the Bush Administration under Lamar Alexander, is currently a Senior Fellow in the Washington office of the Hudson Institute.

Manno is/was (1998) the Executive Director of the National Commission on Philanthropy and Civic Renewal ("A consulting body to The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.")

He and Finn have a forthcoming book titled Charter Schools in Action: Renewing Public Education, co-written with Gregg Vanourek, which is to be published by Princeton University Press early in 2000 (from Channel 1 web site).

List of Manno credits from the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation web site:

Manno, Bruno V. "Who's Afraid of Charter Schools?," with Chester E. Finn, Jr., The Washington Post, September 9,1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "Your Money and Your Life," with Chester E. Finn, Jr., Philanthropy, September/ October 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "Charters: After Marcus Garvey," with Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Gregg Vanourek, The Washington Post, July 7, 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "The 12 Labors of Charter Schools," with Chester E. Finn, Jr., The New Democrat, July/August 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "How to Fix a Nation Still at Risk," Investor's Business Daily, June 15, 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "Charter Schools: Accomplishments and Dilemmas," with Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann Bierlein, and Gregg Vanourek, Teacher's College Record, Spring 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "The Coming Transformation of America's Schools," American Outlook, Spring 1998.

Manno, Bruno V. "How Charter Schools Are Different: Lessons and Implications from a National Study," with Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann Bierlein, and Gregg Vanourek. The Phi Delta Kappan, March 1998, 489-98.

Manno, Bruno V. "Do the Right Thing for Marcus Garvey -- and All Charter Schools," with Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Gregg Vanourek, Washington Post, October 31, 1997, A25.

Manno, Bruno V. and Gregg Vanourek, "Norma Cantu Strikes Again," The Weekly Standard, October 27, 1997, 14.

Manno, Bruno V., Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann A. Bierlein, and Gregg Vanourek, "The New School," National Review, September 15, 1997, 48.

Manno, Bruno V., with Gregg Vanourek, Chester E. Finn, Jr., and Louann A. Bierlein "Charter Schools As Seen by Those Who Know Them Best: Students, Teachers, and Parents" (Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, June 1997).

Manno, Bruno V.; Gregg Vanourek; and Chester E. Finn, Jr. "The False Friends of Charter Schools," Education Week, April 30, 1997. Three Hudson Institute researchers make a distinction between 2 types of charter schools: the genuine article and "faux charters." They wonder whether the current bipartisan and broad-based support for charters (coming even from Clinton and the teacher unions, for example) means that some are advocating schools that are charter in name only but not truly free to be independent and innovative.

Manno, Bruno V. and Chester E. Finn, Jr., "Better Schools: A Promising Reform Challenges Education's Status Quo," San Diego Union-Tribune, 9/22/96, G1.

Manno, Bruno V. "Not Getting It Quite Right on Charters," Network News & Views, July 1996. Manno's article shows how a new report on charter schools in California, called Freedom and Innovation in California's Charter Schools "is a good example of how the charter school world is quickly becoming the latest arena for politicized education policy research." The report was released by WestEd, a federally-supported "regional education lab." Manno suspects that the report's overzealous conclusions are "more the result of an establishment-style political agenda than of close attention to the facts."

Manno, Bruno V. "Inside the Beltway: December 96," Network News & Views, December 1996. This edition deals exclusively with education and the 1996 election.

Manno, Bruno V. "Inside the Beltway: November 96," Network News & Views, November 1996. This edition deals exclusively with the 1997 education budget.

Manno, Bruno V. "Inside the Beltway: October 96," Network News & Views, October 1996. Manno's monthly column takes a look at the 1997 fiscal budget, vocational education, the national assessment, and education in the 1996 election.

Manno, Bruno V. "In the Image of the Great Society: Reinventing K-12 Education in the Clinton Administration," Hudson Briefing Paper 174, March 1995. Manno shows how President Clinton and the previous "education Congress" designed a top-down, Washington-knows-best strategy reminiscent of the Great Society programs of the 1960s to reform America's school systems. True education reform can only be accomplished at the state and local levels and with emphasis on high academic standards and tests that measure mastery of core subjects.

Manno, Bruno V. "Outcome-Based Education: Miracle Cure or Plague?" Hudson Briefing Paper Number 165, June 1994. Decades ago, educational quality was judged in terms of inputs. In the past several years, however, there has been an increasing focus on outputs: goals and ends, products and results, with a focus on core academic subjects. OBE began to win support in the mid-1980s. Now, however, many on the Right vehemently oppose OBE. And most of the education establishment and many on the political Left support the concept. The issue has become a wildfire. Manno explains why.

