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Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation

Princeton, NJ

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation
Total $ Granted: $ 3,317,155
For Years: 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
# Grants: 28

Grants to Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2004 239,445 Valuing Competencies
Joshua Haimson and John Deke will examine how schools can maximize the educational and employment outcomes of their students through the development of their cognitive and non-cognitive competencies. The researchers will use data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study to assess how cognitive competencies, as measured by standardized tests, compare to non-cognitive competencies, such as leadership, social skills, and discipline, in predicting later success. The project's findings will appear in a report and a policy brief.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 200,000 Closing the Reading Gap: Phase I of the Impact Evaluation of the Power4Kids Initiative for Students in Elementary School
David Myers will direct an experimental evaluation of remedial reading interventions for primary school-age children. The project will randomly assign low-performing students to treatment groups utilizing leading remedial reading programs or to a control group receiving standard instruction in reading. The project's findings will appear in a report.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 200,000 Closing the Reading Gap: Phase I of the Impact Evaluation of the Power4Kids Initiative for Students in Elementary School
David Myers will direct an experimental evaluation of remedial reading interventions for primary school-age children. The project will randomly assign low-performing students to treatment groups in which they will enroll in a number of leading remedial reading programs or to a control group in which they will receive standard instruction in reading. The project's findings will appear in a report.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 186,231 Evaluation of the Teach for America Program Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 50,000 Reassessing the Validity of Quasi-Experimental Methods
David Meyers will conduct a systematic review of evaluations that were conducted with both experimental and quasi-experimental methods and compare the validity of the different findings.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 100,000 GoodWORKS and the Hard-to-Employ
LaDonna Pavetti will examine the effectiveness of programs designed to support welfare recipients who are unable to enter the labor force. The project will study GoodWORKS, Georgia’s supported-work program, which provides individuals who are no longer eligible for cash assistance with help to secure and hold employment. The project’s findings will be published in a report.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 352,000 Evaluation of the Teach for America Program
Paul Decker will lead an experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of Teach for America. The program recruits teachers directly from colleges or other career paths and places them in low-performing schools. The evaluation will compare the academic performance of primary school students who are taught by Teach for America teachers to that of students who are taught by certified teachers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 34,735 Monitoring an Evaluation of Florida's School Voucher Program
David Myers will provide technical assistance to a team of researchers evaluating Forida's accountability and school voucher program.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 4,725 Youth Risky Behavior and Youth Development Research Review
Robinson Hollister will conduct a synthesis of what is known about the effectiveness of efforts to change risky behavior among youths and publish the findings in a paper and a policy brief.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 44,099 Developing a Child Care Demonstration
Christine Ross will examine the feasibility of conducting rigorous evaluations of child care subsidy policies and publish the findings in a report.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 49,853 Developing an Evaluation of the Teach for America Program
Paul Decker will examine the feasibility of conducting a rigorous evaluation of Teach for America and publish the findings in a report.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 24,561 Empirical Methods Group of the Campbell Collaboration
David Myers will convene a working group to develop a system to review evaluations of public policies, similar to those undertaken in the medical community through the Cochrane Collaboration.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 178,560 Are Experiments the Only Option?
Mark Dynarski will assess the accuracy of different methods to evaluate the impact of education interventions. He will compare evaluations of a school dropout prevention program in order to determine whethera non-experimental evaluation can match the results of an experimental study.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 50,000 Collect and Analyze Data on the Most Vulnerable Families that Left Welfare in Iowa
Thomas Fraker will prepare a case study of Iowa's welfare reform policies in order to examine what happens to former recipients after they no longer receielfare.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 23,270 Monitoring an Evaluation of Teach Baltimore
David Myers will provide technical assistance to a team of researchers evaluating a summer reading program in Baltimore.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 29,926 Monitoring the Implementation of the Teach Baltimore Evaluation
David Myers will provide technical assistance to a team of researchers evaluating a summer reading program in Baltimore.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 250,000 Evaluation on the New York City Scholarship Program
David Myers will lead a project to assess the impact on educational achievement of a private scholarship program, which allows low-income families in New York City to pay for tuition in the private school of their choice. The project will randomly assign students to treatment and control groups in order to measure the effects of school choice.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 50,000 To support the continued evaluation of school choice in New York The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 250,000 Evaluation of the New York City Scholarship Program
This grant supports an assessment of the impact on educational achievement of a private scholarshp program designed to help low-income families in New York City pay for tuition in the private school of their choice. The project, directed by David Myers, will randomly assign students to treatment and control groups in order to measure the effects of school choice. The project will produce reports, professional papers, and a public use data set.
Smith Richardson Foundation
6-22-1997 25,000 To support evaluation of scholarship program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-20-1997 25,000 To support evaluation of scholarship program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 250,000 Evaluation of the New York City Scholarship Program
This grant supports a study that will assess the impact of a private scholarship program designed to help low-income families in New York City pay for tuition in the private school of their choice. The project will randomly assign students to treatment and control groups in order to measure the effects of school choice. The project will produce reports, professional papers, and a public use data set.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 20,000 Early Childhood Programs
This grant supports a project that will collect information on current government and private foundation spending for early childhood programs. The project will also collect data on and analyze the funds available forevaluation of early childhood programs. It will produce a report documenting the sources of information and the major spending areas at the federal and state levels.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 99,750 Improving the States' Capability to Evaluate Child Care Policy Options as a Component of Their Welfare to Work Strategies
This grant supports the enhancement of a microsimulation model for state policy makers to use when projecting responto changes in welfare and childcare programs. The enhanced microsimulation model will enable policy makers to include calculations of childcare spending in their projections. The project will also produce a monograph that will illustrate how the model can be used.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 200,000 Evaluation of the New York City Scholarship Program
This grant supports an evaluation of a program offering private school scholarships for children from low-income families attending New York City public schools. Researchers will collect data on a large sample of families applying for scholarships. They will measure the program's effect on parent choices and student achievement by comparing those families who received the scholarships through a lottery with those in a control group. Thelts will be disseminated through reports, articles in scientific and professional publications, and education policy conferences.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 50,000 Design for a Rigorous School Voucher Experiment
This grant supports the preparation of a report on how efforts to evaulate school voucher programs could be improved by the adoption of experimental methods. The project will set forth why experimental designs produce the best evidence on the effects of vouchers on students and families and how they can be practically implemented. The resulting report and guide will be disseminated to education practitioners, evaluators, and policymakers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 130,000 Evaluating Teenage Risk-Taking Modification Programs: A Proposal to Design a General Evaluation Strategy, with Special Attention to the Best Friends Program
This grant supports the development of a research strategy for rigorous evaluations of programs designed to reduce adolescent pregnancy by encouraging abstinence. Researchers will undertake a five-month examination of existing studies and alternative evaluation methods that might be employed to measure the effectiveness of abstinence programs, including the school-based Best Friends program. The project will result in a design report detailing what is known about these types of programs, possible outcome measures, and appropriate sampling and data collection methods.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 200,000 Improving State Capability to Analyze Welfare Reform Proposals
This grant supports the development of a user-friendly microsimulation model that will assist policymakers in designing and implementing welfare reform proposals. The twelve-monthproject will update and expand a microsimulation model developed by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. It will also produce a monograph that will illustrate how the model can be used to analyze possible effects of welfare reform proposals.
Smith Richardson Foundation

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