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SEARCH TERM: Project For The New American Century

Profile of Person People

Jeffrey T. Bergner
William Kristol


 Project for the New American Century
 New Citizenship Project, Inc.
 Philanthropy Roundtable

Original MT Report Original Research

Neoconning the Media
Church & Scaife
Michael Joyce (1942-2006)
The Apparat
The Capital Research Center at 20
At 60, the United Nations is still taking fire



Around the Web

'New American Century' Project Ends With a Whimper
Front-Group Alert:
Softer Voices

The Rise and Decline of the Neoconservatives


Found 20 grants containing the phrase "Project For The New American Century"
For a total of $1,095,166


Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
12-30-2005 166 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-15-2005 100,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-9-2004 43,750 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-9-2004 43,750 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-7-2004 43,750 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-2004 43,750 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-9-2003 50,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-9-2003 50,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-19-2003 50,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-16-2003 50,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-14-2003 10,000 A trustee grant, designated by James Piereson, to support the Project for the New American Century Project for the New American Century John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 10,000 A trustee grant, designated by James Piereson, to support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-19-2000 150,000 To support general operations of the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 150,000 To support general operations of the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 50,000 Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
11-10-1998 50,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-21-1998 100,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-9-1997 25,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-10-1997 25,000 To support the Project for the New American Century New Citizenship Project, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 50,000 PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY New Citizenship Project, Inc. Sarah Scaife Foundation

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