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SEARCH TERM: Revolution in Military Affairs


Found 17 grants containing the phrase "Revolution in Military Affairs"
For a total of $3,246,148


Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
12-31-2002 36,994 Officer Attitudes Toward Transformation
Thomas Mahnken and James FitzSimmons will explore the attitudes of U.S. military officers toward the revolution in military affairs. They will commission surveys of U.S. officers at ten professional military education institutions and in selected units, as well as foreign officers in Australia, Britain, France, and Sweden. The project's findings will appear in a database of survey results, a journal article, and a monograph.
Naval War College Foundation, Inc. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 500,000 Military Transformation in a Transformed Security Environment: U.S. Military Strategy, Policies and Budgets
Andrew Krepinevich will lead an effort to analyze the transformation of the U.S. armed forces in light of the changing security environment and the revolution in military affairs. The project will organize activities to provide congressional, executive branch, and opinion leaders with alternative strategies for transforming the American military.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 105,000 The Security Implications of Directed Energy Weapons
Loren Thompson will assess the potential of directed-energy technologies and weapons systems to contribute to the revolution in military affairs. He will undertake research and conduct interviews to assess the military potential of directed-energy systems, as well as convene meetings of analysts and policy makers to develop policy recommendations in this area. The project will result in a policy monograph, short policy briefs, and briefings.
Lexington Institute Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 390,000 Thinking Out of the Box: Addressing America's Future Military Strategy
Andrew Krepinevich will lead an analytical team that seeks to advance the policy community's thinking on the transformation of the U.S. armed forces in light of the changing post-cold war security environment and the revolution in military affairs. The project will organize activities to inform congressional, executive branch, and opinion leaders of alternative strategies to effect a transformation of the American military.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 133,870 Technological Change and the Future of East Asian Security
Michael Green will research and write a book about the implications of the revolution in military affairs for U.S. security strategy in East Asia.
Council on Foreign Relations Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 390,000 Thinking Out of the Box: Addressing America's Future Military Strategy
Andrew Krepinevich will lead an analytical team that seeks to advance the policy community's thinking on the transformation of the U.S. armed forces in light ofging post-cold war security environment and the revolution in military affairs. The project will organize activities to educate congressional, executive branch, and opinion leaders on alternative strategies to effect a transformation of the American military.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 47,250 The U.S. Armed Forces and the Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs
Thomas Mahnken and James FitzSimonds will research and write a monograph on the attitudes of military officers toward the revolution in military affairs (RMA). They will conduct a survey of military officers at nine educational institutions and conduct a comprehensive literature review of material related to the RMA.
Naval War College Foundation, Inc. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 372,500 Promoting Defense Priorities: The National Defense Panel and Beyond
Andrew Krepinevich will lead a collaborative effort to research and analyze issues related to the transformation of the U.S. armed forces in light of the changing post-cold war security environment and the revolution in military affairs. The project will disseminate its findings through a series of publications and briefings for members of Congress, congressional staff, executive branch officials, industry executives, military leaders, and members of the news media.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 47,250 Regional Media Briefing Series: Defense Transformation Issues
This grant supports a project to educate the media and the public outside of Washington about the importance of transforming the U.S. military in light of the revolution in military affairs. Harry Disch will convene a series of briefings on those issues for media in major regional cities.
Fund for Peace, Inc. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 60,000 Diffusion of Military Knowledge, Technology, and Practice: International Consequences of Military Innovations
This grant supports research on the diffusion of military technology and practices. Emily Goldman will examine how such diffusion will shape the response of other countries to the revolution in military affairs. It will result in an edited volume and a conference to present findings to the policy community.
California, University of, Davis Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 90,310 The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Dimensions of Strategy
This grant supports research on how the revolution in military affars (RMA) affects the elements of military strategy. Colin Gray will examine how different conceptions of the RMA will affect each of seventeen elements of strategy. The research will be published in a book that integrates a theory of the dimensions of strategy with analysis of the current RMA.
National Institute for Public Policy Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 372,500 Promoting Defense Priorities: The National Defense Panel and Beyond
This grant supports research and analysis on the revolution in military affairs (RMA). Andrew Krepinevich will direct the project that will develop a strategy for the transformation of U.S. military forces and in response to the RMA. The project's findings will be disseminated through reports and briefings for members of the policy making community.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 60,000 Diffusion of Military Knowledge, Technology, and Practice: International Consequences of Military Innovations
This grant supports research on the diffusion of military technology and practices. The project will examine how this diffusion willshape the response of other countries to the revolution in military affairs. It will result in an edited volume and a conference to present findings to the policy community.
California, University of, Davis Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 227,095 The U.S. Military: Transitioning to a New Era
This grant supports research on how the U.S. military should adapt its forces, doctrine, and strategy to maximize its effectiveneses in light of the new security environment and the revolution in military affairs. CSBA's research will analyze the nature and implications of the revolution in military technology, the future allocation of responsibilities within the U.S. alliance system, and the quadrennial strategic review in 1997. Analysts willduce a series of reports, as well as provide briefings to policy makers in the executive and legislative branches.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 89,000 Understanding the Revolution in Military Affairs for Different Types of Warfare in the 21st Century
This grant supports research on the effect on the revolution in military affairs on four major forms of combat. The project will analyze how new technologies and operational concepts might affect the evolution of air-ground cross border warfare, war at sea, amphibious assault, and infantry combat. The research will result in articles, a book, and briefings to the policy communities.
Brookings Institution Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 97,284 Current Russian Defense Debates: Implications for the 21st Century
This grant supports research on the policy and doctrinal debates within the Russian military. The study will produce a book that examines the Russian military's internal des about immediate resource constraints and crises, medium and long-term defense planning, and how it can exploit the revolution in military affairs.
Hudson Institute, Inc. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 227,095 The U.S. Military: Transitioning to a New Era
This grant supports a two-year research project that will analyze the nature and implications of the revolution in military affairs, the future allocation of responsibilities within the U.S. alliance systems, and the 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review. Reports, policy papers, and congressional briefings will focus on how the U.S. military should adapt its strategy, doctrine, and forces to maximize its effectiveness in light of the new security environment and the revolution in military affairs.
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Smith Richardson Foundation

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