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SEARCH TERM: Russell Kirk


 Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, The
 Discovery Institute for Public Policy

Original MT Report Original Research

Conservatives Without Conscience


Found 15 grants containing the phrase "Russell Kirk"
For a total of $132,500


Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
12-30-2005 7,500 To support a conference at Hillsdale College tentatively entitled, "Fifty Years after Russell Kirk's ACADEMIC FREEDOM: The Future of the Liberal Arts in America" Hillsdale College Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 7,500 During calendar year 2003 to prepare a book, THE COMMON MIND: STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN HUMANISM, FROM THOMAS MORE TO RUSSELL KIRK, Andre Gushurst-Moore, Research Principal. (Amended 7/12/04, time period through calendar year 2004.) Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, The Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 7,500 During calendar year 2003 to prepare a book, THE COMMON MIND: STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN HUMANISM, FROM THOMAS MORE TO RUSSELL KIRK. Andre Gushurst-Moore, Research Principal. Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, The Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 3,000 Fellowship Research Grant
W. Wesley McDonald
Department of Political Science
During a twelve-month period beginning July 2000 to prepare a book, THE CONSERVATIVE MIND OF RUSSELL KIRK: THE PERMANENT THINGS IN AN AGE OF IDEOLOGY
Elizabethtown College Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 3,000 W. Wesley McDonald
Department of Political Science
During a twelve-month period beginning July 2000 to prepare a book, THE CONSERVATIVE MIND OF RUSSELL KIRK: THE PERMANENT THINGS IN AN AGE OF IDEOLOGY.
Elizabethtown College Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 20,000 To retain an Administrative Assistant to the President of Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in Mecosta, Michigan. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 5,500 During 1998 to provide assistance for a student from Syria to pursue scholarly research in history, literature, and culture as a participant in the residential fellows program at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal (Annette C. Kirk, President). ( American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 25,000 To retain an Administrative Assistant to the President of the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in Mecosta, Michigan. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 10,000 The programs of the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal American Council on Economics and Society John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 2,500 Fellowship Research Grant
W. Wesley McDonald
Department of Political Science
Elizabethtown College Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 3,000 To provide support during a 12 month period beginning September 1995 for preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the political philosophy of the late Russell Kirk, Charles C. Brown, Research Principal. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 5,000 To organize and catalogue the papers of the late Russell Kirk. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 5,000 To provide support during 1995 to provide research and technical assistance to continue organization and cataloguing of the papers of the late Russell Kirk. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 3,000 To provide support during a 12 month period beginning September 1995 for preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the political philosophy of the late Russell Kirk, Charles C. Brown, Research Principal. American Council on Economics and Society Earhart Foundation
12-31-1985 25,000 To support a lecture tour by Forrest McDonald and Russell Kirk on the bicentennial of the Constitution Young America's Foundation John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.

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