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AROUND THE WEB | pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21NY Times Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on EvolutionVP of Discovery Institute urged Cardinal to write anti-evolution op-edBruce Chapman, the [Discovery] institute's president, said the cardinal's essay "helps blunt the claims" that the church "has spoken on Darwinian evolution in a way that's supportive." Also see: AmericaBlog: It's Official: Top Catholic Leaders Are Attacking Evolution [ link ] Read the story > Billmon Rocky Mountain LowIf you want supporting evidence for my thesis that the American "marketplace of ideas" is in an advanced state of decay, you could do worse than read some of Liquid List's posts from the Aspen Institute's "Festival of Ideas" conference. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > NY Times Study Says Malpractice Payouts Aren't RisingA study to be released today by the Center for Justice and Democracy...compiled from regulatory filings by insurers to state regulators, finds that net claims for medical malpractice paid by 15 leading insurance companies have remained flat over the last five years, while net premiums have surged 120 percent. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Pulse of the Twin Cities Republican Think Tank?The Center of the American Experiment is a Republican propaganda machine and an incubator for Republican candidates and operatives in Minnesota. For more than a decade, it has championed and helped to define virtually every item on the Republican agenda, from regressive tax cuts, privatization and the crippling of the public sector to the denial of global warming and the invasion of Iraq.. Also see: Center of the American Experiment Center of the American Experiment [ link ] Read the story > MediaMatters.org CNN wheels out Bork, unchallenged, to discuss "Borking"...Though Bork complained in the interview that he had been "Borked," he offered no evidence to substantiate the claim of unfair treatment... Also see: Another CNN anchor pushed loaded conservative term "Borked" [ link ] Read the story > Washington Monthly That's three factual errors in the first four paragraphs of Ravitch's op-ed...having uncovered one error in Diane Ravitch's op-ed about math instruction in the Wall Street Journal, I've now learned of two others Also see: Earlier: Ravitch wrong about math book's index [ link ] Read the story > Media Matters Fox's "Supreme Court Analyst" C. Boyden Gray is also founder of group pressuring Senate to confirm Bush nomineesFox News featured extended commentary by C. Boyden Gray in its initial coverage of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, identifying Gray as a "Fox Supreme Court Analyst." But how can Fox News hire as a "Supreme Court analyst" someone who also founded the Committee For Justice -- a group committed to ensuring the confirmation of President Bush's judicial nominees -- without disclosing the conflict to its viewers? Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Atlanta Journal Constitution The lies of lobbygate...In another series of e-mails,[Ralph] Reed tells [Jack] Abramoff he's going to need another $867,511 for TV and radio ads, phone banks and direct mailings to conservative evangelicals. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Washington Post Norquist to College Republicans: McCain "the nut-job from Arizona"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) became a target in the latest round of political rhetoric when Republican strategist Grover Norquist referred to him last week as "the nut-job from Arizona." Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Liberal Street Fighter Right Wing Think Tanks: What’s Grove City College got to do with it?How significant can a very small liberal arts college in Pennsylvania be? Pretty significant if it’s Grove City College.Look at any Right Wing Think Tank’s list of personnel -- in the US or abroad -- and you will likely find a Grove City connection. There are so many, it’s impossible to list them all. But here are a few ways that Grove City matters on policy issues including the environment, education, minimum wage, and anything economic and conservative. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Mpls Star Tribune Social Security / A dodgy privatization planIn a desperate effort to rejuvenate support for privatizing Social Security, a group of congressional Republicans this week announced a new plan to create private retirement accounts using the program's temporary revenue surpluses. The plan is so weird and ill-conceived that it wouldn't merit comment, except that prominent GOP lawmakers have rallied around it in a way that perpetuates all the misconceptions about Social Security and creates new risks to its future. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > City Pages Q: What Happens When You Run a [Charter] School Like a Business? A: You Go Broke.The students learned how to sit in cubicles and write memos. The staff learned how to ask for a bailout.At a time when public schools all over the state have been under siege, the Minnesota Business Academy (MBA) has enjoyed a valuable perk: vocal support from some of the state's most prominent corporations, business people, and politicians. Also see: Public School Privatization and Commercialization [ link ] Read the story >
Powerline Blogger Apologizes For Calling "American Jews" Dumber Than DogsEarly on the morning of June 20, award-winning blogger and well-heeled Claremont Institute fellow Scott Johnson posted the following on the Powerline blog: "...If American Jews were as canny as dogs -- at least if they knew who their friends are -- somewhat less than 70 percent of them would still be voting Democratic."...After receiving a deluge of complaints, Johnson scrubbed his suggestion that "American Jews" are dumber than dogs... Also see: Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy [ link ] Read the story > The Nation Sam Brownback's Blind Ambition TourIn June 1996...Triad Management Services, a shady, for-profit corporation run by a veteran Republican fundraiser...funneled cash to Brownback's campaign through its scores of clients...Triad's finance director even accompanied Brownback to Republican headquarters to dial for dollars. Also see: Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Triad Management Services at SourceWatch [ link ] Read the story > NY Times - News Analysis Bush's Road Gets Rougher"..on his call to reshape Social Security [Bush] is dangerously close to a fiery wreck that could have lasting consequences for his standing and for the Republican Party." Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Religious schools are a top choiceExpansion of vouchers has resulted in unprecedented level of public funding of religious educationThree sentences bring home one of the most significant impacts of Milwaukee's groundbreaking private school voucher program: [ link ] Read the story > ZH World The Radical Right Assault on Mainline Protestantism and the National Council of Churches of ChristTheologically conservative Christians who are seeking spiritual renewal in mainline churches need to look carefully at the unchristian tactics of the IRD. The church needs spiritual renewal; what it does not need is more political hardball and takeover bids. If the IRD achieves a hostile takeover of mainline Protestantism along with the dismantling of the NCCC, they will have muted an important part of America's social conscience and significantly diminished its capacity for civic discourse. The soul of the church, our faith and the nation are at risk. Also see: Institute on Religion and Democracy [ link ] Read the story >
The Times hypes dangerous right-wing virginity studyToday's Times front-pages a report on new studies by the oh-so-conservative Heritage Foundation claiming "young people who took virginity pledges had lower rates of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and engaged in fewer risky sexual behaviors." This is nonsense -- in an article last year for the L.A. Weekly on the Bush administration's war on the condom, I cited "a Minnesota Department of Health study of the state’s five-year, abstinence-only program, which found last year that sexual activity by students taking the program actually doubled, from 5.8 percent to 12.4 percent." Also see: Seeing The Forest: The CDC used your tax dollars to pay Heritage Foundaton for this study. [ link ] Read the story > Milwaukee Journal - Sentinel 15 Years in, Milwaukee's Voucher experiment lacks accountability, excels in religious educationThe amount of taxpayer money going to pay for religious education in Milwaukee has no parallel in the last century of American life. About 70% of the students in the program attend religious schools. Also see: Public School Privatization and commercialization John Witte: The Milwaukee Voucher Experiment: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Kevin Drum comments on lack of accountability for voucher schools Earlier: Real Goal of School Choice Movement is the breakup of teacher unions [ link ] Read the story > Washington Post Social Security Plan's Support DwindlingMost Don't Back Bush Idea, Poll FindsPresident Bush yesterday said his plan to restructure Social Security would improve the program's long-term stability without shrinking the retirement income of older Americans. But a new Washington Post-ABC News survey found a clear majority of the public does not believe that. Also see: MT's Social Security Privatization page [ link ] Read the story > WorkingForChange.com A wrinkle in timePeggy Noonan blames genocide on Mark FeltThe prize for the most astonishing commentary [on Deep Throat] goes to Peggy Noonan...her commentary is representative of a prevailing style of conservative polemic against the media and in favor of presidential power and White House secrecy Also see: [ link ] Read the story > AmericaBlog.com Family Research Council urges Africans to starve rather than accept money from pro-gay churchesWhat Tony "$82,000 to David Duke" Perkins of the Family Research Council conveniently doesn't tell folks is that some of the money these African churches are refusing to accept are money for people with AIDS and more. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > AmericaBlog.com The Family Research Council and the Ku Klux KlanThe Family Research Council's executive director, Tony Perkins, reportedly paid former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke over $80,000 for his who's-who-of-racist-America mailing list in 1996. [ link ] Read the story > Brad DeLong What did William F. Buckley know, and when did he know it?William F. Buckley Jr. writes:"On January 5, 1973, Howard Hunt...came to see me...He told me the appalling, inside story of Watergate, including the riveting news that one of the plumbers was ready and disposed to kill Jack Anderson, the journalist-commentator, if word came down to proceed to that lurid extreme. I took what I thought appropriate measures..." Also see: Grants for Buckley's "Firing Line" [ link ] Read the story > Texas Observer The Pimping of the PresidentJack Abramoff and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush...[Jack] Abramoff was so closely tied to the Bush Administration that he could, and did, charge two of his clients $25,000 for a White House lunch date and a meeting with the President. From the same two clients he took to the White House in May 2001, Abramoff also obtained $2.5 million in contributions for a non-profit foundation he and his wife operated... It is ... a regular ATR [Grover Norquist's outfit] practice to invite state legislators and tribal leaders who have supported ATR anti-tax initiatives to the White House for a personal thank-you from the President. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Markeplace Under The InfluenceThink Tanks and the money that funds themThink tanks have become a growth industry. A handful existed a few decades ago. Now there are hundreds of these non-profit institutions. The marriage of multi-millions in private money and once-unorthodox ideas packs a powerful punch. President Bush has adopted domestic policies nurtured in think tanks from private social security accounts to fundamental tax reform. Marketplace explores what donors believe they get for their money, how ideas are bankrolled and promoted, and the thin line between think tank educational efforts and outright lobbying, as well as new efforts to reform the system. Also see: National Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups [ link ] Read the story > Center for American Progress Heritage Foundation Sponsors Stock ScamLast night, the conservative website Townhall.com sent a paid message to its readers entitled "How Often Does Life Offer You a Second Chance." In it, a man named Mark Skousen promised huge returns from his can't miss stock tip. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Boston Globe Rising doctors' premiums not due to lawsuit awardsStudy suggests insurers raise rates to make up for investment declinesRe-igniting the medical malpractice overhaul debate, a new study by Dartmouth College researchers suggests that huge jury awards and financial settlements for injured patients have not caused the explosive increase in doctors' insurance premiums. The researchers said a more likely explanation for the escalation is that malpractice insurance companies have raised doctors' premiums to compensate for falling investment returns. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > Extra! Right, Center Think Tanks Still Most QuotedStudy of cites debunks “liberal media” claimsA study of media citations of think tanks in 2004 -- the 10th year of collecting such data -- finds that think tanks of the right and center still predominate, despite a slight increase in citations of left-leaning think tanks. Also see: Conservative Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups [ link ] Read the story > MediaMatters.org Kristol claimed "the country's evenly divided" on Bush foreign policy, but polls indicate otherwiseOn the May 29 edition of Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol baselessly asserted that the American public is "evenly divided" on President Bush's foreign policy... In fact, three recent polls indicate that most Americans disapprove of Bush's foreign policy. Also see: [ link ] Read the story > pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21